Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Giant Lorenz Bernie â€Å"Ecstasy of Saint Teresa† I chose Ecstasy of Saint Teresa by Bernie because it is an impressive multi-media installation that helps me understand the intense experience of Saint Thresher's visions. Four black marble columns frame the scene of Saint Theresa floating as if on a cloud as a playful angel is about to plunge an arrow repeatedly into her. Her face portrays a feeling of intense pain and pleasure as she accepts the glory and light of her lord. Heavenly light is shining down on them. Through the use of natural light shining down from an unseen mystical source.Brass reflective rods are lined up in a row opening up towards the couple further signifying the beauty and grace of the light. From both sides of the main characters a viewer then notices a seated audience relief carved out of marble. The audience seems to be captivated by the untraditional portrayal of god like visions. The marble is so beautifully carved to render flesh and the texture o f clothing. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa is equally frightening and stunning; reflecting the religion it represents. This piece is a perfect example of Baroque sculpture. A common characteristic ofBaroque art is including the audience into the work. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa does this by way of the theater windows. The relief of witnesses within these windows gives the sense that all of this is happening on a stage, and the audience is thus placed in orchestral seats in front of the stage. This includes the viewers into the work and justifies the drama portrayed theatrically in front of us. The scene portrayed here is an intense one. Seeing the look on Saint Teeter's face shows fear, pain, and pleasure. This is Juxtaposed with the look of calm playfulness on the angels face as he threatens her with the arrow.Natural light bathes both the figures in a holy light that implies a sense of realism to the existence of God. The emotional impression the piece implies is very characteristic of Baro que art. One can imagine the pious traveling great distances to be brought down on their knees by Bering's instillation. Bernie was a master in working with marble. The articulate depiction of different weights of cloth is impressive. Saint Teresa is dressed in a heavy textile that weighs her down in the earthly sense. The angel is lifted into the heavens by his silky clothing that moves easily in the breeze.He shows off more of his craftsmanship by way of the balcony windows. There is an illusion of continued space beyond what we can see. Bernie also includes a stylized classical pediment. This pediment is cleverly utilized to hide a window that lets in the natural light that is focused on the centerpiece. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa was created using Marble, gilded brass, natural light, and architectural elements to create a whole composition. This makes Bering's epic depiction the first multimedia installation that predates the popularization of the art form by 3 centuries. Gian Lorenzo Bernini Giant Lorenz Bernie â€Å"Ecstasy of Saint Teresa† I chose Ecstasy of Saint Teresa by Bernie because it is an impressive multi-media installation that helps me understand the intense experience of Saint Thresher's visions. Four black marble columns frame the scene of Saint Theresa floating as if on a cloud as a playful angel is about to plunge an arrow repeatedly into her. Her face portrays a feeling of intense pain and pleasure as she accepts the glory and light of her lord. Heavenly light is shining down on them. Through the use of natural light shining down from an unseen mystical source.Brass reflective rods are lined up in a row opening up towards the couple further signifying the beauty and grace of the light. From both sides of the main characters a viewer then notices a seated audience relief carved out of marble. The audience seems to be captivated by the untraditional portrayal of god like visions. The marble is so beautifully carved to render flesh and the texture o f clothing. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa is equally frightening and stunning; reflecting the religion it represents. This piece is a perfect example of Baroque sculpture. A common characteristic ofBaroque art is including the audience into the work. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa does this by way of the theater windows. The relief of witnesses within these windows gives the sense that all of this is happening on a stage, and the audience is thus placed in orchestral seats in front of the stage. This includes the viewers into the work and justifies the drama portrayed theatrically in front of us. The scene portrayed here is an intense one. Seeing the look on Saint Teeter's face shows fear, pain, and pleasure. This is Juxtaposed with the look of calm playfulness on the angels face as he threatens her with the arrow.Natural light bathes both the figures in a holy light that implies a sense of realism to the existence of God. The emotional impression the piece implies is very characteristic of Baro que art. One can imagine the pious traveling great distances to be brought down on their knees by Bering's instillation. Bernie was a master in working with marble. The articulate depiction of different weights of cloth is impressive. Saint Teresa is dressed in a heavy textile that weighs her down in the earthly sense. The angel is lifted into the heavens by his silky clothing that moves easily in the breeze.He shows off more of his craftsmanship by way of the balcony windows. There is an illusion of continued space beyond what we can see. Bernie also includes a stylized classical pediment. This pediment is cleverly utilized to hide a window that lets in the natural light that is focused on the centerpiece. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa was created using Marble, gilded brass, natural light, and architectural elements to create a whole composition. This makes Bering's epic depiction the first multimedia installation that predates the popularization of the art form by 3 centuries.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Nutcracker

Essay One Waltz of the Flowers† from The Nutcracker â€Å"Waltz of the Flowers† from The Nutcracker I watched Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker online for my first choice in my performance paper. This magnificent piece was composed by Peter Llyich Tchaikovsky during the Romantic period in 1892. This performance is performed by about 12 Ballerinas with the music being played in the background. â€Å"The Waltz of the Flowers† is actually ACT II from The Nutcracker, which is a very well known and amazing song. Tchaikovsky wrote this piece about a young girl named Clara that cannot wait for Christmas morning to arrive. She spends the whole night dreaming of intense dreams with extroidinary characters. This is why the ballet is always performed during the Christmas season. This piece is called a Waltz because the song is done in ? meter. The introduction starts with the amazing sound of the beautiful harps being played. This song has four different themes that repeat themselves. The first theme at the beginning, after the introduction, starts with a melody heard in French horns and clarinets and is repeated, but differently the 2nd time. The second them consists of violins. This theme adds drama and tension to the performance. The flutes start in on the third theme and repeated again with a more illuminated timbre. The fourth theme is heard only once and that is where the cellos come in for the melody. This melody is eloquent and passionate. There is so much detail in every part of this piece that you really have to pay attention to the music, which is what Tchaikovsky’s plan was when he wrote it. I really enjoyed watching this performance because the ballerinas moved so beautifully. They moved their hand to the music perfectly, which is where the Waltz come into the name. My favorite section of this piece is the introduction when you hear the harps playing. The ballerinas move so eloquently with the harps and it just amazed me. I also found myself swaying to the sound of the music without even realizing it because it is so relaxing. I am so thankful that this was one of our choices because I really enjoyed watching this and hopefully I will get a chance to watch it in a live performance one day.

Evaluating the Research Process Essay

This paper will be used to evaluate the research process. The chosen article is Pregnancy Risk among Black, White, and Hispanic Teen Girls in the New York City Public Schools. The research process is inclusive of several initial parts which are the selection of a problem, formulation of a hypothesis, a description of the subject, and the review of any literature as well as to construct a design plan, analyze data and write a conclusion. The paper will be used to discuss the literature and how it is used in the research. What are the considerations for data collection and what is the data telling us in terms of statistical analysis? In the article Pregnancy Risk among Black, White, and Hispanic Teen Girls in New York City Schools, the data was collected form the use of the (YRBS) New York City Youth Risk Behavior surveys. The survey was implemented by the (DOHMH) New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the (DOE) Department of Education. The surveys have been conducted since 1997 on a biennial basis. The data that is used was collected from surveys that were taken in 2005 and 2007. A total of 17,220 students from 87 public high schools were surveyed. Since this information was collected from individuals that were not of legal age, the researchers were extra careful to protect the confidentially of the students. This was done by having the students to complete a survey that requires that no personal information is given. The survey consists of 99 questions and it is self-administered. The data that has been collected has concluded that there is definitely a difference in the sexual activity of girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years old that attended public schools in the New York City area. The differences include more than just age, it also include race, ethnicity, schools, neighborhoods and economic backgrounds as well. Based on the findings of the surveys there is an unmistakable difference in the statistics for each group that participated. Therefore there is a definitely a correlation between the findings and the figures that were used. The numerical data that was retrieved from the survey proves that the data is significant and provides enough evidence to support the significance of the study. In the article the results concluded that (32.6%) of high school girls reported that they were sexually active in the 3 months prior to the survey. Out of all of the girls that participated in the survey, black students were more likely to be sexually active followed by Hispanics the whites. There were variations in the sexual activity which increased or decreased with age, race and ethnicity. The results also assessed the differences in each group access to and the use of contraceptive. The conclusion states that the use of hormonal contraceptive such as the pill was low among all racial and ethnic groups. Differences also occurred within the different neighborhoods. The conclusion noted that Hispanic girls in New York City were less likely when compared to white to use any type of contraceptive methods which put them at a greater risk of becoming pregnant. It also state that if there is any hope of preventing teen pregnancies, the proper information must be made available to educate these girls about long acting methods of contraception. Upon careful review of the conclusion it is evident that the conclusion does answer the research question as it is stated in the definition of the problem. The conclusion is appropriate because it re states the obvious facts from the date that had been collected from the surveys. It also summarizes the finding and breaks down the data so that suggestions can be made as a way to help to prevent teen age pregnancy within the area that was deemed to be high risk. Although the article has significant statistics and data, it is my opinion that there is not enough information to make a decision on the effectiveness of the study. There were several limitation within the study that allows one to question the effectiveness of the study overall. First, the YRBS only included limited questions pertaining to sexual activity and contraception which means it is possible that there are unmeasured differences in the frequency of sexual activity and the consistency in the use of Contraceptives which could make the collected data on each group incorrect. There are also limitations related to data that is collected by neighborhood schools. In some cases students choose to attend magnet or other specialized schools that are located outside of their home school. Another limitation is that the finding for the study was generalized to teens that attended New York City public schools. Therefore, many students that lived in the city but attended private schools or were in a special education program were not surveyed. The article lacked significant information on any other studies that the data could be compared to as a way to test for accuracy of the information. The literature review for the article was used to analyze the variation in the components that plays a major role in assessing the pregnancy risk among students attending New York City public high schools. The discussion portion of this article breaks down all of the difference and compares all of the similarities that exist between black, whites, and Hispanics which contribute to the high pregnancy rate within each group. The discussion also touches on the evidence that schools and neighborhoods can be a major influence in the risk of pregnancy for teen aged girls. Racial and ethnic differences have had an effect on the motivation and the expectation of girls to become sexually active in the early teen years. Fortunately the diverse nature of the study will help to provide the information needed to initiate programs that will give girls the knowledge to delay pregnancy until later in life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Tennessees Political, Economic, and Social Development Essay

Tennessees Political, Economic, and Social Development - Essay Example It is this program that replaced Medicaid coverage for about 1.5 million uninsured Tennessees. In 2002, Phil Bredesen was elected as the governor. He is the one who spearheaded economic growth. In 1992, the Tennessee legislature approved school reform laws. It is in 1993 that the state allowed a healthcare package that paved way for the creation of TennCare. It is this program that replaced Medicaid coverage for about 1.5 million uninsured Tennessees. In 2002, Phil Bredesen was elected as the governor. He is the one who spearheaded economic growth in Tennessee. The conviction of Jacob Butcher and Ray Blanton in 1982 for conspiracy and fraud enhanced economic development. Manufacturing industries continued to expand throughout the 1980s.Rebirth of Republic Party in 1970s b.  Conviction of Jacob Butcher and Ray Blanton in 1982 c.  Expansion of manufacturing industries in 1980s d.  Creation of employment opportunities in 1982 and 1990s e.  Approval of school reform laws in 1992

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Basic Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Basic Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example It appears also to be aimed at student groups who enter science fairs and competitions and could be particularly valuable for summer schools and extension work after class time. When reviewing this book I examined it from three specific angles: the presentation, the academic content, and the use of language. I also considered its overall strengths and weaknesses, and this three part analysis followed by evaluation is the structure I have chosen for this memo. The first point to note about this booklet is that it is available in electronic form, which makes it very convenient as a resource for teachers. It can be printed off for use in class, or alternatively it can be projected on to a screen or uploaded on to an educational network. The visual presentation is clearly aimed at a younger audience. The print is large, and there are at most two or three paragraphs of main text per page. The running head at the top of each page reminds the reader of the main topic which is â€Å"Science Fair Fun.† Section headings are in very large and bold type, while subheadings are smaller and underlined. The text comes with contents page, page numbers, main text, glossary and a list of resources for further information. This format resembles a standard project structure, and so it appears that the authors of this booklet wanted to set an example to the students in how to present information in a project report style. There are frequent illustrations which range from photographs to graphs and charts. There are also boxed areas which present key pieces of advice and useful checklists. Some of this material is layered, in magazine style and some of it is more like a web page with large colored icons. These features add interest to the booklet, and encourage students who may have weaker reading skills to persevere with the text and gain clues to its meaning from the illustrations. The use of color is interesting because it is mainly confined to the primary colors, in rather pastel shades. This may be an attempt to present a visual impression which is both attractive and serious at the same time. Too much bright color can make a text appear infantile and so this subtle coloring is a good compromise. The content of the booklet is both factual and persuasive. The factual information is all related to basic scientific terms such as â€Å"hypothesis† and â€Å"experiment.† The emphasis is on developing an awareness of scientific methods and following the steps of hypothesis formation, project design, data collection and writing up results in such a way as to come to some conclusion. There are clear instructions on how to approach each of these stages. This part of the text is rather abstract and it may be that some weaker students would find it had to follow. There is information also on how to present the project verbally, and on what the judges are looking for in a project. The second part of the booklet describes a number of previous projec ts that have been completed and this information is much more concrete. These short summaries put the theoretical terms and theories into practice, and this provides students with the opportunity to see the terms being used in actions, and a number of models on which they can build their own ideas. The glossary provides clarification on the scientific meanings of the words used, and this could be used both as preparation for study, and as a revision

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Gay rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gay rights - Essay Example The main difference most probably is the treatment of the society towards the issue specifically since through the course of the movement’s history it had evolved in stages of prohibition, being trivial, being hated and being accepted and even legal (Andryszewski, 2000). Prior to openly promoting and fighting for gay rights, the gay people are also active promoting and fighting for other related civil issues. It can then be considered that their own situations inspired them (Clendinen & Nagourney, 2013). Based on another author, there are already initiatives toward gay civil rights fifty years before it had been given attention in the United States. The Scientific Humanitarian Committee which is considered as the forerunner of the rights of gay people was established in Germany with the visions of actively promoting gay civil rights, abolition of laws against gay people and information dissemination and education regarding gay people. It was then suppressed and halted during the period of the Nazis. In 1950, the Mattachine Society started the move in the United States although in 1924 the Society for Human Rights was established by Henry Gerber and in 1940 the Veterans Benevolent Association was established in New York City (Marcus, 2009). One of the most evident rise of the gay rights movement occurred in the middle of 1960s through the Stonewall event following the trend for the black civil right movement. The said group focused on ceasing the homosexual discrimination. It can be considered that during that year, there had been an epiphany and the gay population cannot wait to stand their ground and achieve their own rights. In the 70s, different institutions and mainstream organizations supported the fight by being against all forms of discriminations targeting the gay men and lesbians. Through the year 1969-70, gay liberation or â€Å"gay pride† became a highly popular and talked about social concept with active appearances in all forms of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Microsoft Analysis Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Microsoft Analysis - Term Paper Example The purpose of this paper is to analyze the operations of Microsoft using a variety of business analytic tools Mission, Vision, Stakeholders The mission statement of Microsoft Corporation is â€Å"Our mission and values are to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential† (Microsoft, 2011). As a public company the firm’s actions must comply with the best interest of a variety of stakeholder groups. Some of the stakeholders that Microsoft must respond too are the shareholders, employees, board of directors, executive management team, suppliers, lenders, community, and the government. The company has tremendous aspirations and visions for the future. â€Å"At Microsoft, we believe the most engaging digital experiences will grow out of the combination of four things: smart devices, cloud-based services, natural forms of interaction between people and technology, and finally, people’s imaginations† (Microsoft, 2011). Five forces of Competition The threat of new entrants in the software industry is high. There are thousands of software companies in the marketplace. It is possible that one of these companies might be able to develop a new operating system to compete directly with Microsoft. In the gaming segment it seems as if the industry operates as an oligopoly with Sony and Nintendo being the only competitors. It takes billions of dollars and years of research to develop a new gaming console. The bargaining power of suppliers is low. Microsoft can take advantage of economies of scale to get better prices from suppliers. The bargaining power of buyers is medium low. Buyers are willing to pay the market price for software despite its relative high prices. The buyer power increases during certain seasons such as Christmas. The threat of substitute is medium. In terms of operating system I would classify the buyer power as low due to the lack of real substitute despite the existence of Linux and Mac computer s. In the gaming industry substitute are medium since there are only two competitors. The rivalry among firms competing in the industry is high. Due to the intense competition companies have to spend a lot of money on marketing. SWOT One of the strengths of Microsoft is its strong economic position and history of outstanding financial performance. The company’s equity is considered a blue chip stock. The company generated in 2011 sales of $69.94 billion. During the past five years the sales of the company have increased by 36.81%. The net income of the firm in 2011 was $23,150 billion. In comparison of the previous year the net income of the company increased by an outstanding margin of 23.40%. The market capitalization of Microsoft is $216.19 billion. The net margin of the firm in 2011 was 33%. The average net margin in the software industry is a mere 1.9% (Dun & Bradstreet, 2011). The net margin of Microsoft was 17.36 times higher than the industry average in 2010. The divi dend yield of the company was 3.10%. A second strength of Microsoft is the brand value of the company. Microsoft has the leader software industry largely due to the superior design of its operating systems programs. The current version of the Operating system Microsoft is selling is Windows 7. The customers of computers visualize Microsoft as the top brand in the industry. Due to the preference of customers for Windows product the majority of new computers come equipped with Microsoft operating systems. Another strength

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How to deal with the prostitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to deal with the prostitution - Essay Example One reason states pass laws is to prevent and/or punish activities that are harmful. Decriminalizing prostitution would, in essence, be saying that it does not cause harm, and so is a private matter and not one the state can or should intervene in. Prostitution does cause harm, though, to the prostitute and to society as a whole. Prostitutes are at risk for assault, rape and other violent crimes (reference), sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV and Hepatitis C) and posttraumatic stress. (Destiny's End). Societal costs are difficult to measure, but include the spread of disease and effects on families. Prostitution is also linked to sex trafficking, and a recent State Department brief said that prostitution, "fuel(s) the growth of modern-day slavery by providing a faade behind which traffickers for sexual exploitation operate." Regulating prostitution does not prevent the harm it causes. Proponents of regulation say that regulation will prevent the spread of disease, make for safer working conditions and reduce sex trafficking and child prostitution. (Raymond). Criminalizing prostitution does have a negative effect on prostitutes because prostitutes, not the pimps or the johns, are the ones who suffer.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Corporate Performace Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Corporate Performace - Coursework Example McDonald's Corporation was also analyzed under the lens of SWOT Analysis, BCG Matrix and Porter's Competitive Forces. These techniques help us assess the various policies and strategies that the business is following. Furthermore, they are also a snap-shot of business as a whole and tell us at a glance, whether the business is doing well or not In the end, the current performance of McDonald's Corporation is compared with its past performance and its future prospects are discussed in great detail. The future prospects are based on the strategies that McDonald's Corporation is planning to implement. The report ends with some suggestions that McDonald's Corporation could adopt to help them further improve their condition and could help them reach new heights. McDonald is perhaps the most successful corporation of the world. There's no magic formula to it, but the company believes that its success has come due to their insistence on their values and because of their belief in truthfulness and honesty. "At McDonald's, success has always involved a not-so-profound formula involving one-part inspiration and four-parts perspiration. Our founder, Ray Kroc, coined the phrase "grinding it out" to characterize the determination and attention to detail that is required to be successful in our industry. "Grinding it out" was his way of saying the restaurant business is, and always will be, a labor intensive operation. It was hard work and determination that built McDonald's - and today, those same qualities drive our success." (McDonald's Corporation Annual Report, 2008). The above statement clearly indicates that hardwork and determination is the most followed principle in this corporation. They also believe in their past values and think their success has come about due to the value given to the organization by their founding father Ray Kroc. McDonald's Corporation gives a lot of importance to their customer choice. It has recently added new product in line with what customers want. These additions have become instant hit, which is not only good for the business, but has also given increased weight to the McDonald's menu and increased the choice as they now offer variety of products. "Whether you prefer beef or chicken, salads or sandwiches, breakfast or desserts, there's something for every appetite and occasion at McDonald's. In every country, our menus balance classic favorites with new tastes and local flavors. We're also a beverage destination with offerings such as sweet tea, juices and McCaf coffees." (McDonald's Corporation Annual Report, 2007). According to Richard L. Daft, in order assess the success of an organization, you do not look at only the financial figures of the company, but you also

Quiz 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Quiz 2 - Essay Example Bacterial reduction through this process prediction was nonetheless as a result of the exposure of rainwater to sunlight and sedimentation. The materials and methods of monitoring flood controls in water shed rely on the relative proximity of these areas to the dry lands. The relative proximity of spillways to dry lands provides a direct drainage facility. An example of this facility is the Pon Court and copperhead sites, which acted as the automated valve outlet pipes. These automated valves outlet pipes ensure a perfect flow of runoff from the bacterial infected areas, which contributes to a watershed within shorter durations. In summary, improvement of pollutant removal system has been brought online to be adopted by various towns and cities. This would ensure bacterial infections controls are adopted by a wider world’s populace. The remote view of water level and rain gauge data through the internet is an important interphase project. In addition to monitoring and controlling of this project, the remote view paved way for an inlet and outlet evaluation of bacterial concentrations in the retrofitted

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Internal Controls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Internal Controls - Essay Example The accounting function should be given to an individual who does not have the custody of the collections (Meigs & Meigs, 1993). There is a possibility of the head usher and the record keeper working together to under-report the collections made, with a sharing of the pocketed amounts. They can work together to undermine the system. If the head usher were to count the collection in front of the other ushers, it could serve as a counter-verification of the collections. But here again there is a possibility of the head usher working together with the other ushers to pocket some money. In fact the Rector of the Church should be present when the ushers gather together, give their separate collections to the head usher and then the total money is put together and counted. The installation of a surveillance camera in the basement room in secret, and another on the way down at a strategic point should be accomplished without anyone’s knowledge except for the Rector of the Church. Ano ther loophole is available because the Church asks all check contributors to make their checks payable to Cash. This amounts to giving a chance to anyone who pockets a check to cash the money without being detected.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Road Safety Rules Essay Example for Free

Road Safety Rules Essay Road traffic safety refers to methods and measures for reducing the risk of a person using the road network being killed or seriously injured. The users of a road include pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, their passengers, and passengers of on-road public transport, mainly buses and trams. Best-practice road safety strategies focus upon the prevention of serious injury and death crashes in spite of human fallibility[1] (which is contrasted with the old road safety paradigm of simply reducing crashes assuming road user compliance with traffic regulations). Safe road design is now about providing a road environment which ensures vehicle speeds will be within the human tolerances for serious injury and death wherever conflict points exist. The basic strategy of a Safe System approach is to ensure that in the event of a crash, the impact energies remain below the threshold likely to produce either death or serious injury. This threshold will vary from crash scenario to crash scenario, depending upon the level of protection offered to the road users involved. For example, the chances of survival for an unprotected pedestrian hit by a vehicle diminish rapidly at speeds greater than 30 km/h, whereas for a properly restrained motor vehicle occupant the critical impact speed is 50 km/h (for side impact crashes) and 70 km/h (for head-on crashes). —International Transport Forum, Towards Zero, Ambitious Road Safety Targets and the Safe System Approach, Executive Summary page 19[1] As sustainable solutions for all classes of road have not been identified, particularly lowly trafficked rural and remote roads, a hierarchy of control should be applied, similar to best practice Occupational Safety and Health. At the highest level is sustainable prevention of serious injury and death crashes, with sustainable requiring all key result areas to be considered. At the second level is real time risk reduction, which involves providing users at severe risk with a specific warning to enable them to take mitigating action. The third level is about reducing the crash risk which involves applying the road design standards and guidelines (such as from AASHTO), improving driver behaviour and enforcement. Road traffic crashes are one of the world’s largest public health and injury prevention problems. The problem is all the more acute because the victims are overwhelmingly healthy prior to their crashes. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than a million people are killed on the world’s roads each year.[3] A report published by the WHO  in 2004 estimated that some 1.2m people were killed and 50m injured in traffic collisions on the roads around the world each year[4] and was the leading cause of death among children 10 – 19 years of age. The report also noted that the problem was most severe in developing co untries and that simple prevention measures could halve the number of deaths.[5] The standard measures used in assessing road safety interventions are fatalities and Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) rates, usually per billion (109) passenger kilometres. Countries caught in the old road safety paradigm,[6] replace KSI rates with crash rates for example, crashes per million vehicle miles. Vehicle speed within the human tolerances for serious injury and death is a key goal of modern road design because impact speed affects the severity of injury to both occupants and pedestrians. For occupants, Joksch (1993) found the probability of death for drivers in multi-vehicle accidents increased as the fourth power of impact speed (often referred to by the mathematical term ÃŽ ´v (delta V), meaning change in velocity). Injuries are caused by sudden, severe acceleration (or deceleration), this is difficult to measure. However, crash reconstruction techniques can be used to estimate vehicle speeds before a crash. Therefore, the change in speed is used as a surrogate for acceleration. This enabled the Swedish Road Administration to identify the KSI risk curves using actual crash reconstruction data which lead to the human tolerances for serious injury and death referenced above. Interventions are generally much easier to identify in the modern road safety paradigm, whose focus is on the human tolerances for serious injury and death. For example, the elimination of head on KSI crashes simply required the installation of an appropriate median crash barrier. For example, roundabouts, with speed reducing approaches, encounter very few KSI crashes. The old road safety paradigm of purely crash risk is a far more complex matter. Contributing factors to highway crashes may be related to the driver (such as driver error, illness or fatigue), the vehicle (brake, steering, or throttle failures) or the road itself (lack of sight distance, poor roadside clear zones, etc.). Interventions may seek to reduce or compensate for these factors, or reduce the severity of crashes that do occur. A comprehensive outline of interventions areas can be seen in Management systems for road safety. In addition to management systems, which apply predominantly to existing networks in built-up areas, another class of  interventions relates to the design of roadway networks for new districts. Such interventions explore the configurations of a network that will inherently reduce the probability of collisions.[7] Interventions for the prevention of road traffic injuries are often evaluated; the Cochrane Library has published a wide variety of reviews of interventions for the prevention of road traffic injuries.[8][9] For road traffic safety purposes it can be helpful to classify roads into ones in built-up area, non built-up areas and then major highways (Motorways/Freeways etc.) Most casualties occur on roads in built-up areas and major highways are the safest in relation to vehicle mileage. Reported Road Casualties Great Britain for 2008 show that the vast majority of injuries occur in built-up areas but that most fatalities occur on non built-up roads.[10]

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Plato And Aristotles Best Form Of Constitution Politics Essay

Plato And Aristotles Best Form Of Constitution Politics Essay Both Plato and Aristotle believed that the best form of government is rule by the best, or  Aristocracy. This word did not mean for them rule by the ruling class, as it did in early modern Europe; they really believed that only the smartest, most temperate, most mature, most reflective, most educated, and the bravest should be in charge of government, that is, only the best (the Greek word for best is  aristos  ). For Plato, the ideal city was one which mirrored the kosmos, on the one hand, and the individual on the other. As he described in  The Republic, the ideal city, or  polis, was one based on justice and human virtue. It was a form of social and political organization that allowed individuals to maximize their potentialities, serve their fellow citizens, and live in accordance with universal laws and truths. A citys constitution is the organisation of its magistracies or offices. Every ordered state has a constitution, since every such state has some organisation of magistracies (Aristotle, Politics 278 b9, 1289 b15, 1290 a8-9). In Aristotles teleological philosophy organisation is always for the sake of some end or purpose. The true end or purpose of the state, he says, is to help its members live, and to live a good life. Constitutions which aim at the good life for the citizens are true constitutions; those which aim at the good of the rulers only are perversions (Aristotle, Politics 1279 a17-21). There are echoes here of Plato; remember in  The Republic  Socrates argument with Thrasymachus, in which Socrates argued that government is an art the purpose of which is to further the good of the governed. Aristocracy. Rule by the best (aristos). In practice this usually meant rule by the well-born, those of noble family, who referred to themselves as the best people.   The generic name a constitution or polity (politeia, constitution). In modern English polity is not a common word, but when it is used it means form of government or type of constitution; thus one might speak of a democratic polity or a monarchical polity. Aristotle uses polity both in that way, as the generic name for a constitution of any sort,  and  as the name of one of the sorts. One of the kinds of polity is polity, i.e. the polity or form of government in which all citizens rule and is ruled in turn. The idea of polity is that all citizens should take short turns at ruling. It is an inclusive form of government: everyone has a share of political power. He sometimes calls it polity, sometimes political or constitutional government these are interchangeable.   Oligarchy, the generic name for rule by a few, is also the name of one kind of rule by the few, the perverted kind which seeks to further the interest of the wealthy few.   Democracy means literally rule by the people, but Aristotle and other ancient writers use it to mean rule exclusively by the poor in their own interest. Classification of Constitutions Good Bad One Kingship Tyranny Few Aristocracy Oligarchy Many Polity Democracy The good and bad columns come from Plato. This is the classification put forward by Plato. Plato used democracy for both kinds of rule by the many, because he saw little difference between good and bad rule by many. Democracy is too weak to do much good and at its worst too weak to do much harm, according to Plato. If, however, there be some one person, or more than one whose virtue is so preeminent that the virtues or the political capacity of all the rest admit of no comparison with his or theirs, then he or they should be supreme and not bound by laws (Aristotle, Politics 1284 a3-17); that is, under those circumstances the city should be governed by a king or an aristocracy unfettered by rules and laws. Aristotle often alludes to this ideal constitution (Aristotle, Politics 1284 b25-35, 1288 a7-30, 1289 a30-2, 1293 b25-8, 1332 b17-25). But whereas Plato calls the seventh the true constitution and the others imitations, Aristotle calls three of the others true, and mentions the seventh only incidentally. In Aristotle, Politics attention is focussed mostly not on the ideal form of government but on the second best, or best practicable. A similar point is made in (Aristotle, Politics 1290 a30-b20). The criticism Aristotle is making here is that Platos classification obscures the really signific ant dividing line, which is not between the few and the many but between the rich and the poor. In chapter 8, the discussion (Aristotle, Politics 1309a) of the grounds on which various groups claim power in the state was very carefully detailed. These groups include the rich and the poor, and also the well-born (those who come from noble families) and the virtuous. The discussion continues to the end of chapter 13 (Aristotle, Politics 1297a). It begins with a consideration of the  purpose  for which the state exists, because this will determine who should rule. The discussion reaches no firm conclusions, but Aristotle seems to favour the Platonic view that power should be held by the virtuous. This brings us to the question whether the poor or the rich should rule? If the poor, because they are more in number, divide among themselves the property of the rich, is not this unjust? (Aristotle, Politics 1281a 13-15). Again, when in the first division all has been taken, and the majority divide anew the property of the minority, is it not evident, if this goes on, that they will ruin the state?(Aristotle, Politics 1281a18). This is an answer to some of Platos arguments against democracy. Among them they understand the whole (Aristotle, Politics 1281 b9). They need to discuss, and communicate to all, or most, what each has understood; and for this they may not have the necessary time, goodwill or ability.   To assign them some deliberative and judicial functions but not allow them to hold office singly (Aristotle, Politics 1281 b30). This is in effect a combination of oligarchy and democracy. Aristotle himself thinks that the best practicable state, the one in which virtue has the best chance of influence, is one in which some political functions are assigned to the many poor and other functions to the few rich, so as to produce a balance of the classes. All professions and arts (Aristotle, Politics 1282a). Plato holds that government is, or can be, an art, and infers that only a few should rule because only a few can master any art. Aristotle suggests that the intelligent man who has studied the art, but not enough to be a practitioner, may be a good judge. Also, the consumer may be better than the producer at judging the quality of the product (Aristotle, Politics 1282a17). Plato set forth a five-fold classification to describe how the city ought to be governed. The best form of government, he argued, was an aristocratic model based on the ruler ship of philosopher kings. A second form of government he called timocracy, or rule by a privileged elite of guardians, or strong men. Oligarchy, the third type, consisted of rule by the few. The remaining two, democracy and tyranny represented rule by the many. According to Plato, the ideal city had to be an enlightened one, one based on the highest universal principles. He insisted that only individuals who were committed to these truths, who could protect and preserve them for the sake of the common good, were fit to rule the city. Becoming a philosopher king, or an ideal ruler, involved a rigorous course of study that extended into mid-life; Plato, Republic 540a. The ideal ruler was therefore someone chosen by an inner calling, or  daimon, not by circumstance or privilege. Therefore, the ideal ruler was not someone chosen by circumstance or privilege so much as by an inner calling, or  daimon. This point is crucial because it distinguishes Platos ideal city from those of other thinkers who shared Platos faith in guardianship but favoured oligarchical systems of government. Aristotle drew heavily on Platos vision but also criticized what he saw as its excessively idealistic nature. He believed that Platos republic could never exist in the real world. In any case, Aristotle made a number of improvements on Platos ideal in the interest of making it more practically useful. In his view, there were three basic forms of political organization, rule of the one, rule of the few, and rule of the many. The first form, at its best, led to monarchy; at its worst, to tyranny, the second, at its best, to aristocracy; at its worst, to oligarchy. And the third, at its best, to something he called  politeia; at its worst, to democracy. Aristotle maintained that both monarchy and aristocracy were  ideal  forms of government, in the sense that they were virtually impossible to achieve in reality. He therefore invented a third form which drew from the unique strengths of both, politeia. This form combined rule of law and rule by the few. It was a brilliant formulation that incorporated many of Platos key elements (such as guardianship, the idea of self-sufficiency, and the critical role of law) while making it more practical and thereby attainable. For example, he introduced land ownership and ruler ship by lot as crucial elements of the ideal  polis, while dispensing with what he considered unrealistic concepts such as distributive justice and voluntary rule. Aristotle a student of Plato, who himself did not like democracy, because the democratic assembly of Athens condemned Socrates to death. Aristotle himself fell victim to the same assembly and was banished from Athens. All the major Greek philosophers thought democracy was the worst form of government. Plato, in his critique of democracy in  The  Republic, claims that it allows people to follow all their passions and drives without order or control (Plato, Republic 557 558); Aristotle claimed that the competing interest in a democracy makes for chaos rather than purposive and deliberated action. Democracy did not seem to work very democratically at all, in fact. In Athens, the democratic Assembly was usually dominated by a single powerful, charismatic individual; this individual often dominated the Assembly because of his presence or oratorical skill rather than his individual worth. As a result, the democratic governments could make some surprisingly foolish decisions, such as the Athenian decision to attack Sicily without any cause or provocation. This ill-considered war destroyed much of the Athenian fleet and eventually led to the defeat of Athens by Sparta. The position of these charismat ic leaders, however, was always very precarious. The democratic Assemblies could change character overnight; they would often eagerly follow a particular leader, and then exile that leader often for no reason (this is Aristotles central objection to a democracy). If you can remember in the painting The School of Athens, Plato is pointing up because of his immaterial views (god, the afterlife). Then you will notice Aristotle pointing forward to demonstrate that his views develop from what is in front of him. Plato generally believes in ideas and focuses on the soul, the forms and the good. In Book 7 Plato spoke of the allegory of the cave and how only the philosopher kings were able to see the light (Plato, Republic 514a), Whereas, Aristotle is a natural scientist who studies nature, his views were that the way the natural world works is the way the world works, basically everything is part of a larger organic pod and nature has a plan for everything, nothing is created without a purpose because things are naturally related. In my view I think Platos work in more than intriguing, he has a lot of views that are really interesting, but also it can be said that many of his ideas can be debated negatively either in his time or ours. I am of the belief that people would never agree with his ideas of state building, and his idea of the philosopher king, and so hence, his ideas were never brought to life, but in the same breath has left a great legacy for future generations to analyse. In comparison, there is Aristotle who is very critical of Platos ideas. Aristotle is a very practical person, whose philosophy I can explicitly say makes better sense when it comes to state building and the way the world works. He also had a view of which I really agree with and that was laws should rule not men.

Advances in Seed Quality Evaluation Techniques in Soybean

Advances in Seed Quality Evaluation Techniques in Soybean Seed is alive; and it can change over time under varying conditions. It can also vary from year to year as do planting conditions. When planting, seed vigor can be used to assist with management decisions, especially under adverse planting conditions. Seed quality is critical in the establishment of a uniform plant stand, the first step in producing a successful crop, but good planting conditions are also critical since even high quality seed can fail under too much stress. Seed quality is complex. Several factors influence seed quality including variety, purity, weather, insects, diseases, harvest moisture, handling, and storage. The soy bean(US) or soya bean(UK) (Glycine max) is a species of  legume  native to  East Asia, widely grown for its edible  bean  which has numerous uses. The plant is classed as an oilseed  rather than a  pulse  by the UN  Food and Agricultural Organization. Soybean Oil  and protein content account for about 60 (%) of dry soybeans by weight (protein at 40% and oil at 20 %). The remainder consists of 35(%) carbohydrate and about 5 (%) ash. Soybean cultivars comprise approximately 8% seed coat or hull, 90 (%)  cotyledons  and 2 (%)  hypocotylaxis or germ. The U.S., Argentina, Brazil, China and India are the worlds largest soybean producers and represent more than 90% of global soybean production. India produces 9.8 million metric tons against the world’s total production of 249.0 million metric tons. Furthermore, the soybean seeds when stored under ambient conditions quickly lose viability and upon planting such seeds in the next season results in very poor germination. Because of the hot and humid conditions prevailing from March to June, the seed viability of soybeans drops by 50 (%). However in soybean, seed viability during storage was observed to be related to seed size. Thus ensuring seed quality becomes one of the important aspect of soybean production. The seed quality evaluation can be broadly categorized under and ensured to have Trueness to type (often referred to as variety purity). Satisfactory germination and vigour. Freedom from other materials, including plant debris, dead or broken seeds, seeds of other crops, weed seeds, noxious and parasitic weed seeds also non-plant materials. Freedom from seed-borne pests and diseases. During 2009-10 soy bean breeder seed production was 10198.03s (q.) with a seed rate (kg/ha) of 75 kg/ha, total certified seed requirement will be 667.5000 tonnes. Keeping these production trends â€Å"VISION-2030† of Directorate of Seed Research, Mau, India and estimates with a target increase in SRR of 0.5% and available SMR ratio of 16 foundation seed requirement is 20.8594 thousand tones and breeder seed requirement of 1303.7109 tones by 2030. This ever increasing demand for quality seed in soybean demands precise seed quality evaluation methods. The routine seed testing methods available for seed quality evaluation of soybean are standard germination, Seedling vigour, Accelerated Ageing, Controlled Deterioration, seed leachate conductivity tests and Clorox Soak for seed coat mechanical damage as described by ISTA and AOSA. However, these tests are time consuming and lack reproducibility over laboratories. Hence there is a greater need of advanced seed quality evaluation methods to overcome the aforesaid problems. Advanced seed quality evaluation techniques: 1. Seed and seedling image analysis: Computer-aided image analysis, which are contributing to improving insight of seed morphology and biology, in terms of seed quality and germination and various aspects of seed image analysis like image acquisition and pattern recognition. Image analysis deals the means by which digital images are acquired and processed and how imaging technology is applied in seed science research in terms of varietal identification, characterization, germination, moisture, grading and sorting by analysis of seed size, shape and color parameters. Implication of new techniques for addressing a particular variety can be focused and also attention is being laid at international level for the development of suitable lab techniques like image analysis of seed or plant organs, bio chemical and molecular markers. Image analysis technique (machine vision system) is one of such systems offers the prospect that researchers will be able to study seed surface features more cl osely and hence increase the available character set. a) Machine Vision System: a computerized tool for Image Analysis (IA). It functions being similar to the human observations. Machine vision refers to the acquisition of data (shape, size, etc.) via a video camera or similar system and the subsequent computer analysis of these data following suitable processing. The term â€Å"image analysis† has also been used in this context, but it more strictly refers to the extraction of numerical data from an acquired image. The colour, size, shape characteristics of plant products, and their capability to produce digital images suitable for further processing make modern image acquisition techniques highly adaptable tools. Bio-morphological seed features may be analyzed by computer-aided image analysis systems and data quickly processed. b) Seed Analyzer based on Chlorophyll fluorescence and the maturity of seeds: Aims at Automated detection of the ripeness of the seeds and deliver the information for improving the quality of the seed lot. The maturity of the seeds can be measured with this technology. The maturity of the seeds is highly correlated with the quality of the seeds. With the Seed Analyzer the correct harvest moment can be determined, the seed quality can be improved, improved, the amount of waste can be lowered as well as been known and the priming conditions can be optimized for the seed batch. Applications in Seed Science Research includes Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) Testing, Varietal Identification and Characterization. Wherein, Automatic systems can be based on seed images, from which the characteristics for the classification, such as size, shape, colour and texture, can be obtained quickly. Digital image analysis offers an objective and quantitative method for estimation of morphological parameters. Besides, in routine seed testing for enhanced seed quality as Germination: Seed germination has intrigued the human activity since the late Neolithic age, because of practical reasons becoming a milestone in the ‘agriculture framework’ (Evenari, 1984). The application of computational techniques to the study of seed germination covers three aspects: computer-assisted image analysis systems, descriptive simulation modeling, and combined relation modeling between morphological changes and biological processes. A digital image of a plant seed can be regarded as a two-dimensional object which can be measured in size, shape and color density during the development stage of germination by computer image analysis technology. Moisture: Moisture content is the most vital factor influencing physical and mechanical properties of cereal crop seeds. For example, an increase in moisture content leads to an increase in the major, minor and intermediate diameters; increase in all linear dimensions, projected area and volume; increase in length, width, thickness, arithmetic mean diameter, geometric mean diameter, sphericity, volume and surface area. These monochromatic images acquired can be used to determine the moisture content of seeds. Vigor Assessment: Vigour is the ability of a seed lot to establish normal (or usable) seedlings under diverse production environments. Use of computer-aided image analysis of seedling size overcomes many of the limitations that occur during manual vigour tests Image analysis provides rapid measurement of an object’s physical characteristics and allows quantitative, objective observation. Several commercial systems use some form of computer-aided analysis of digital images to evaluate seedling growth as a measure of seed vigour. Single seed oxygen measurement: Development of automated system for scoring different seed quality parameters by detection of metabolic activity. This technology measures the oxygen consumption of single seeds in a closed environment. The total test is therefore performed under increasing stress conditions (oxygen stress) and gives us a deeper insight in various aspects of the seed quality. c) Chlorophyll fluorescence of imbibing and (early) germinating seeds: The present technology focuses on chlorophyll fluorescence of imbibing and (early) germinating seeds. It claims to â€Å"detect the metabolic activity [of seeds] during seed germination phase†. The technology enables the nonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ destructive destructive evaluation of imbibing seeds on a number of characteristics, with the advantage to be able to follow the development of individual seeds in time, to be able to use or test the seeds (e.g. reà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ dried after priming) or the emerging preà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ germinated seeds or seedlings developing from these seeds. It also potentially enables sorting. d) Spectral imaging: Spectral imaging technology can be seen as a methodology which can add to the knowledge of seed quality aspects, the speed of testing and the reproducibility of traditional tests within and between laboratories. Seed size, shape and colour are common features that are employed as sorting parameters for improvement of seed quality. In spectral imaging the sequential exposure of the object to light of different wavelengths provides further information about topographical texture, spectral texture and gloss. Multi- and hyperspectral imaging and analysis of the generated data are clear examples of these developments. The light sources, cameras and computers for such systems are readily available and relatively affordable. This opens a wide array of potential applications in seed testing at various levels, as well as research opportunities that before were only possible for a few very specialized institutions. Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging as to be part of the standard seed testing equipment in the near future. 2. Chemical tests: Peroxidase Test: This is a test is effectively employed for cultivar separation based on high or low seed coat peroxidase activity. This information is taken from the AOSA Rules. Analysts remove and place the dry seed coat from soybean seeds into individual test tubes or suitable containers. They add 10 drops of 0.5 percent guaiacol to each test tube. After waiting 10 minutes they add one drop of 0.1 percent hydrogen peroxide to the tube. After one minute, seeds are recorded as peroxidase positive(high peroxidase activity) if there is a reddish-brown solution; or peroxidase negative (low peroxidase activity) if there is a colorless solution in the test tube. 3. Biochemical markers for seed quality evaluation and testing: With the advent of newer technologies to effectively quantify and detect the precedence of particular protein and isozymes. The isozymes lack repeatability owing to their specific stage and range of expression and are highly responsive for environment. However, among these Two Dimensional Protein Gel Electrophoresis (2 D PAGE) is recommended for hybrid purity testing by ISTA. 4. DNA/Molecular markers for seed quality evaluation and testing: Quality seeds has to meet the minimum seed certification standards and quality attributes viz., physical purity, germination per cent, moisture content, seed health and genetic purity.The genuineness of the variety is one of the most important characteristics of good quality seed.Genetic purity test is done to verify any deviation from genuineness of the variety during multiplication stages.For certification genetic purity test is compulsory for all foundation and certified hybrid seeds.Higher genetic purity is an essential requirement for the commercialization of any seed. Importance stable marker for genetic purity: CMS plants and its maintainer plants, which originated from female parent during multiplication, are major off-types in F1 hybrids. Maintenance of the purity of parent CMS lines is essential in achieving the purity of hybrid and thus commercial benefit.CMS purity during multiplication can only be assessed at heading stage by observing pollen fertility. The results are prone to be erratic due to different examiners and environments.So it is significant to develop a novel, simple, rapid and effective method to assess CMS seed purity during multiplication at seedling stage. The molecular markers are more efficient in assessing genetic purity. Among markers RAPD and AFLP are dominant markers.Dominant markers unable to identify heterozygous condition (AA and aa only but not Aa). Low reproducibility of RAPD and lengthy process of AFLP markers have made them impractical and difficult for their routine use in seed purity analysis.While SSR, SCAR, STMS are Co- dominant markers and are able to identify heterozygous condition.These markers are more popular because of their accuracy in results and are reproducible. Quick and simple processes of these markers have made them practical for their routine use in hybrid conformity and seed purity analysis.Markers vary based on their ability to differentiate lines with the crop and hybrids and parental lines involved in developing particular hybrid. With the advancement of science and engineering new throughout put genomics and phenomics technologies viz., Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Nu PCR, rapid onsite DNA detection, Nested DNA Markers Battery, genome sampling and Genome sequencing the â€Å"next generation seed testing† is going to transform the seed quality evaluation and testing to an elevated stature having real-time application with high degree of reliability. New methods for seed testing are emerging with increasing technological possibilities and computer power, parallel to decreasing prices will enhance the precision and speed with which the soybean seed quality is being tested with increase in accuracy and reproducibility of results.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ride Of The Second Horseman :: essays research papers fc

Robert O’Connell explains to us the decline of organized warfare between people. This is stated in three different regions of argument; the nomads having to change to cope with the new geographic changes find it easier to just try to take the agriculturalists food sources rather then find their own. Second the new divisions of government cause a more humanistic approach to settle disagreements rather then warfare, and thirdly the total demise of how warfare once was. The shift to domesticated farming, away from nomadic pastorals, led to a clash between these two subsistence patterns. The nomads, facing geographic change and poor food supplies, attempted to make their way down from the hills and take on the agriculturalist. This is the only way the nomads could keep a steady food source. ‘Cultures that knew nothing of war suddenly began suffering unprovoked attacks by terrifying strangers.’(13) This shows you the kind of bloodthirsty savages the nomads were, their way of life was changing and they weren’t ready for it to change. ‘So it is that these voracious ant armies number in the millions, just as major outbreaks of nomadic aggression were characteristically preceded by inertial congregations. If there is strength in numbers among the sedentary, there is only hunger among the nomadic.’(21) Again this shows how the nomadic are going hungry and have no way to turn except to fight for food. The agriculturalist have superior strength in numbers and after a few attacks from the nomads the will be ready to take them out for good and worry about them no more. This new age of society is just too profitable for them to leave it, crops that a few men farm yielding the food for twenty. The economics itself are just to great to turn back now. ‘The key to such realti0onships is mutualism, with booth plant and animal oolong in ways that intensify the partnership†¦In the period between 8500 BC and AD 1 the great majority of humans made the transition from wild food to planting and harvesting domesticated crops-a span of only eight and a half millennia in the more than four-million history of our line.’(55) Once more you see the demise of the nomads, the ability to culture nature to how humans want it; it’s just to easy. So why continue to keep picking up and moving your entire group when you could just center out of one area and have ever possible thing you could need to sup port yourself.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Teenage Alcoholism Essay -- Alcohol Drinking binge Youth Essays

Teenage Alcoholism What is alcohol? Alcohol is many things to many people: To little kids, it is a curiosity. To teenagers, it is ?cool?. To responsible drinkers, it is a relaxant. To bartenders, it is a job, their lives. To restaurant owners, it is a moneymaker. To probation officers, it is a frustration. To actively drinking alcoholics, it is heaven. To wives and husbands of drinking alcoholics, it is a waste. To recovering alcoholics, it is a painful old friend. To us, it is something to be learned about and controlled. ? (Dolmetsch, p.4) The definition of alcoholism stresses the basic elements of (1) chronicity; (2) compulsive, uncontrollable drinking; (3) intoxication; and (4) interruption of normal life functions. (Claypool, p. 91) When the drinker?s work, social life, study habits, mental health, or family and personal relationships are affected, the possibility exists that the drinker may be an alcoholic. If the drinker is able to stop drinking permanently, then he is not considered to be an alcoholic. ?For teenagers and adults, alcohol is the most commonly abused drug. It is easy to get, easy to use, and as common in our society as aspirin.? (Claypool, p. 62) Millions of American teenagers drink alcohol. Young people drink for many reasons; whether it?s to escape the daily stress of school or family life, or to fit in with their friends. But sadly enough, many teenagers discover too late that drinking cannot solve any of their problems. Teenage drinking is now one of the most serious problems that young people face. (Landau, intro) In 1977, Senator Frank J. Dodd stated: ?Alcoholism is one of the greatest health problems in the United States and is one that afflicts individuals in virtually all social and economic categories and varying age groups.? (Claypool, pp. 90 -91) From the time children reach the age of 13 Â ½, 63 percent of the boys and 54 percent of the girls have at least tried their first alcoholic beverage. (Claypool, p. 14) Alcohol use substantially increases each year throughout junior and senior high school. By the twelfth grade, 93 percent of the young men and 87 percent of the young women have at least tried one drink. Thirty percent of these students had five or more drinks in a row within the previous two weeks. (Landau, p.15) The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states that: ?By the time ... ...le to pull through successfully. (Dolmetsch, pp. 88, 115) Alcoholism among teenagers in the United States is becoming more widespread than ever before. Current statistics present an unpleasant picture of teenage alcohol use rising every year. Alcohol use leads to teens having problems with school, family, or even with authorities. They may drink to escape these problems, or even to fit in with their friends. This problem of teenage drinking is now one of the most serious problems that young people face today, and the only way to stop these statistics from growing, is to educate the teenagers of the risks of drinking alcohol. Works Cited: Claypool, Jane. Alcohol and You. New York: Franklin Watts, 1988. Landau, Elaine. Teenage Drinking. New Jersey: Enslow Publishers, Inc. 1994. Lang, Alan. Alcohol: Teenage Drinking. New York: Chelsea House, 1992. Dolmetsch, Paul, and Gail Mauricette, ed. Teens Talk About Alcohol and Alcoholism. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1987. Spence, W.R. Drinking and Driving: Murder on Our Highways. Texas: Health Edco. 1998. Vogler, Roger E. Teenagers and Alcohol: When Saying No Isn?t Enough. Philadelphia: Charles Press, 1992.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Film Pre-Production Essay Essay

When planning a film production a lot of things need consideration, for example money is an important element that will be needed to fund the production of the film, with the crew/cast needing payment for their work. Props need buying and depending on the dialogue of the movie they may be quite expensive along with the equipment needed to record and edit the movie and the setting of where you are going to film whether it be public or private property. And also such things as accommodation, food and travel costs will need to be paid for, so dividing up the money for a production of a film plays a large role in pre-production along with where the source of the money is coming from, and if the source of the money allocates a budget you will need to get all of these resources within the range of the budget. Before production of the film you need to consider the genre, and what audience the genre of the film will apply to, for example horror movies are generally watched by a younger audience so you may want the storyline to be relatable to them with the cast being younger adults and them living lives younger people might live themselves (studying, party’s etc.). Also the setting should be considered to apply to the genre for example if the genre is sci-fi you may want the setting at some point to be on a space ship, or be futuristic. The time allocated plays a big role in preproduction, with things like editing after all the filming has taken place needing consideration, so the filming can’t take place right up to the deadline. Also things like time to shoot scenes needs to be planned, along with the availability of the cast throughout the project. Legal requirements are also a part of pre-production with music having to be used that isn’t copyrighted along with all health and safety laws remaining intact, or whoever is put in danger could sue the production company a large sum of money postponing or stopping the production of the film. Location permissions are also needed to be granted or again the owner of the location may sue if film there is released, and any other rules set by regulatory bodies within the production of a film should also be followed. Material also plays an important role in the planning of a film, with research on the film being needed making sure the story hasn’t been done before and if it has, how you can make your production stand out more individually. Also there will be certain generics of the genre you will want your film to follow so it can be distinguished as that genre which is being aimed at. Music that’s not copyright will need to be found or produced, most likely produced if you want the film to have its own theme song like with many big blockbusters.


The Higher Power In todays conjunction men ar looked at as, the high power or, as more effective Natur bothy Boys feel the need to uphold their power to otherwises at an betimes age. pile Moodys short theme Boys, tests us the relationships amidst b disintegrationher and child and then amongst the boys and their induce. Boys in early ages foot be very ruthless and reckless. In wrick Moodys Boys, the power of masculinity takes over the boys lives and with cataclysm the boys atomic number 18 satisfactory to gain together and let down their guard.In the early stages of the boys lives they feel the need to show rack up their masculinity and they do this by tormenting their short(p) babe. In Rick Moodys Boys, It states, non foresightful after which boys gig a tidy sum In the back yard and polish sour their smaller babes dolls two feet down, so that she go away never find these dolls and these dolls will rot In hell (Moody 196). The Boys relate their infants dolls to muliebrity and they feel the need to show off their power by destroying them. With expose realizing that theyre hurting their sister they do it anyways because they felt the need to show off their auscultation.This shows how at a young age boys can be so reckless toward a family member and non c atomic number 18 about how they feel and how they ar affecting their lives. Young kids in todays fellowship are very destructive and do not care about other peoples feelings. Later down the road in feel boys manage to see all the bad theyve done and are undecomposed of regret. There Is even a nibble In the story where the boys go as far as making their sister eat a poisonous variety show. In Boys It says, attempting to persuade their sister that she should eat the mixture (Moody 196).This shows that the boys were ruthless enough to abide their sister eat something that could possibly kill her. Boys whitethorn be reckless at a young age but when tragedy strikes tha ts when all the regret comes to haunt them. At a young age boys can be very destructive without thought process of what can happen, but once something traumatic happens they come to realize the bad things they have done in the past. When the sister is diagnosed with crabmeat the boys start to go a morsel crazy and lose themselves. The boys do not know how to deal with the tragedy and are full of guilt and regret. Boys demean the erect worried they argue.The boys are ugly they are failures, they will never be loved, they get down fellowship(Moody 197). This goes to show how the boys are a mess and that they are starting to not Like themselves. In Moody story It also says, Boys enter the house, having attempted to sink the spot In their yard where the dolls were burl eight or nine historic period prior, without success they go to their sisters path, sit by her bed (Moody 197-198). At this make up for what they have done and attend to their sister who is diagnosed with cance r. This is when the boys are confused about life and do not know what to say f their lives.Their develops death is what really brings he boys together and turns them into men. The fathers death in this adult male is really what brings the boys closer to maturity and attain their man hood. At this point the boys are teenagers and are finally figuring out who they are and how to handle themselves. The passing of their father is what brings the boys back together and how they are subject to connect with each other. Boys enter the house carrying their father, slumped. Happens so fast. Boys rush into the house ahead(p) Meets to the couch in the living room where the body sis, boys enter house, boys enter house, boys enter house (Moody 199).This part of the story is when the boys father is finally dying and the boys have to come together in the dismissal of their father. by and by this tragedy the boys now realize that they are the men in the family and they are pressured into matu rity. Boys no longer boys, exit (Moody 199). This is a very big part of the piece because this is where the boys are finally men. After all the tragic time the boys are finally able to exit as men and not Just boys. They have finally reached maturity. Interactions amidst siblings show us how tragedy between families bring people loser to maturity.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bmgt Quiz

QUIZ 3 BMGT one hundred ten surgical incision I 1. One or more of your colleagues encountered the quote, which follows. And at first they gave it elfin or no thought. It read provide the Statess taxpayers top quality work by helping them understand and act their responsibilities and by applying the tax law with uprightness and fairness to all? In a couple of words what kind of affirmation is this IRS Mission Statement. 2. Which type of merger is in all likelihood to receive the closest examination by the Federal Trade Commission? c. level merger 3.For its favorable legal climate, as well as the ease and ease of its incorporation process, DELAWARE is the close to popular say in the USA for the incorporation of many another(prenominal) members of the Fortune 500. 4. When the Small Business constitution (SBA) assists a small vocation in applying for a major loan, it acts as the loaners ________. d. Guarantor 5. Although the average create size has gotten ________, t he majority of farmers ope valuate as ________ line of businesses. b. larger small 6. Dell ready reckoner founder Michael Dell and Microsoft co-founder Bill gate argon two well-known examples of ________. a. social entrepreneurs 7. ________ are currently the largest gathering of minority business owners in the United States. c. Hispanics 8. apple Computer, FedEx, Staples, and many other well-known companies utilize ________ when they were start-ups. b. Small Business Investment ships company (SBIC) pay 9. A credit substance is an example of a(n) b. privately held corporation 10. An acquisition agreement is one firms purchase of the property and obligations of another company. And a leveraged buyout (LBO) generally entails employees, management, or a group of investors purchasing a business brass primarily through borrowing . . . . 11.A exemption pertains to the rights to use a specific business name and sell its inventory of goods and work in a given terri torial dominion or location. 3 12. Which form of business entrustpower has a legal entitlement for having its liability separate from that of its owner(s) soulal assets? SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP. 13. found on their statements, which form of business ownership was personally preferred by most of our colleagues? SOLE OWNERSHIP SECTION II 14. A colleague wants to start a business. He takes a personality mental test and discovers he possesses a trait that whitethorn reduce the likelihood he will succeed. Which of the sideline is that trait? . none of the above. exactly the textbook says it is Internal Locus 15. The EPA promotes the growing of businesses focusing on clean energy. a. environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 16. C are specific geographic areas designated for economic revitalization. 17. Which of the adjacent companies has the longest and best-known record of support intrapreneurship? b. 3M 4 18. One of our colleagues wants to start a new business but her situate w ill not lend her the notes she needs. This colleague saw an advertizing sponsored by a business organization that provides financing for promising small companies.The organization sponsoring the advertisement would be considered a(n) ________. a. venture capitalist SECTION III 19. Which of the following statements is correct? b. Dot-coms occupy lower costs than bricks and mortar retailers with online operations. 20. A colleagues company dog-tired $50,000 to bring in 10,000 online visitors to her Web site. If the conversion rate is 5 percent, her company spent ________ to attract each customer. b. $50 21. When it comes to using wikisthe following is recommended. a. Wertfreiheit (is of the German tongue, meaning ethical neutrality) 5 SECTION IV 22.Motivation is hereby expound as the interaction between a person or persons and a mail service it is the process by which a person or persons efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining objectives and goals. Dou glas McGregor is associated with the B. Theory X and Y 23. Maslow is associated with the I 24. Herzberg is associated with the M a. Theory X and Y b. Two-Factor Theory c. need for acquirement (nAff) d. none of the above 25. The Three-Needs Theory (nAch nAFF and nPow) is associated with e. David L. Kurtz f. neb Drucker and his MBO. . . . g. David McClelland h. none of the above

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Effectiveness of Franklin Roosevelt

The Effectiveness of Franklin Roosevelt

From now until next election day, the huge candidates unlooked for President will be speaking about their new strategies for managing the key problems facing the nation, and will certainly have different tips for double dealing with issues that range from violent serious offense to the developing use of tobacco from late young folks.Franklin Roosevelt created many different laws and agencies to reach his goals of relief, reform, logical and recovery. Roosevelt created the Social Security Act. The personal Social Security Act provided modest pensions, unemployment insurance, logical and financial assistance to handicapped, elderly, and dependent children.It was a central system that provided for the welfare of individuals in the new industrial act.Government would should adequate supply resources where needed and support, track logical and assess the effects of the collaboration.The Civilian Consercation Corps and the Works rapid Progress Administration were made to design new wor k programs unlooked for people and kept people from starving. It also helped citizens restore their self-respect that they she had lost during the hard years of the Great Depression. These federal agencies provided needed labor for public projects. For women, the depression made their position in the economy worse.

A solution was provided by them.Before the Great Depression the federal government was mostly laissez faire and allowed businesses to act however they pleased. By the end of the New Deal, the government had a much bigger role in federal regulation businesses and affecting the lives of citizens.Many citizens felt such like the new agencies that were created would help greatly in the role of the federal government as â€Å"an instrument of democratic action. † Many also disagreed logical and though it was leading the country towards socialism logical and communism.Although it isnt possible to quantify risk, it can be approximated.There were many things Franklin Roosevelt’s New great Deal did to lighten the impact of the Great Depression although it did logical not end it itself. It changed the way the government functioned logical and the optimism in Americans. It gave citizens little hope in overcoming hardships. Roosevelt built a dominant new political coalition, creating a democratic majority.

Its sufficient to make you believe the first Great Depression was the very good old times.Ross, Stewart. many Causes and Consequences of the Great Depression. Texas: Steck-Vaughn Company, 1998. Print.In such situations, the conservative investor would be smart to see from the sidelines unless shes a specialist in the region and is certain that shes not cw/index. dynamic html FDR’s New Deal Summary & Analysis. http://www.

It is not other possible to beat the market since the sector is efficient According to the model.When the good company has not given a salary for employment, we look at wages data from other businesses and places to produce a sensible estimate.Several must have lost hope of obtaining a secure occupation.Nearly all the 2,500 individuals within this military camp were destitute.

There arent any simple procedures to attain that.The only answer is they can not.After World War II there were some such efforts at the state and national levels to address the problems of places, but those faltered due to the anxiety which profits to a area would be select done in the cost of distinct areas.The authorities was altered by the New Deal.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Assessing different approaches to customer service

For my client service of process whole I pass on be interviewing ii empty affectionatenesss, College of St. rig and St. backside and the mayflower va toilett sum of m wholenessy.I stupefy elect these devil centres because they argon more or less diverse and I conception it would be provoke to trance how varied companies concord contrastive node service.The College of St. play off and St. tin flowerpot is in Derriford, Plym come to the foreh. It c all overs a re individuallyy freehanded sweep and its facilities take on a 25 grand indoor(prenominal)(prenominal) het up move pool, a seaworthiness entourage, deuce extort vine courts, a to the climb fitted start(p) gymnasium, trinity sports student residences, apiece with quaternion badminton courts and a specializer inbuilt rock-climbing wall, figure facilities, and an out-of-door pursuits centre. In access to lengthy performing fields, in that respect is a full coat all-weather flood lit delivery for pop off aim ice hockey and football.A littler all-weather excavate retains tennis and provides a cozy pedagogy go forth all form round. In adjunct to this there is a 36m. substantial sports foyer for companionship in a mixture of sports which is to a fault titanicr adequate to accommo get out business deal Fairs and new(prenominal) large events a gymnasium for military arts, aerobics, step and regulate & strike down classes a warning size of it sports sign of the zodiac unattached for volleyball, b take awayetball, badminton 2 philander courts and a physical seaworthiness suite with up to date cardiovascular and bur accordingly reading equipment. Although this sports centre is at heart the college, it is free to either extremity of the habitual, non vertical the students at the college.The trailing arsolelyus void warmness is situated in important parkland, Plymouth. It is preferably grizzly and may subscribe to to be revamped at bottom the following a few(prenominal) years. Its facilities include a fitness suite which has treadmills, pass over trainers, climbers, bikes, rowers and electric resistance machines and it similarly has squash courts, indoor wheel and sunshine beds. in that location ar cardinal sports halls, one is a 5-a-side football hall and the some other is a multi habit sports hall, which can abide badminton, volleyball, basketball, briefly tennis and wry display panel diving.The College of St. put and St. toilette is a sports college thence it has legion(predicate) amounts of sports facilities. The college is a church service of England automatic college, with a floor of over cl years and it move from capital of the United Kingdom to Plymouth in 1973.The trailing arbutus vacuous Centre is preferably old, as I mentioned antecedently but is the closely strong utilise public field leisure speediness in the area. It whole kit and caboodle in close p artnership with the rally Park swimming share which is its neighbouring building.To stick out the information I want, I am handout to prattle each venue for an interview. For letter, calculate supplement 1. I am going to ask them several(prenominal) questions on variant topics to bob up out as a good deal as I can near the client run in their establishment. For questions, put one across vermiform process 2.I testament then discerp the answers of the questions and equation the twain companies to listen who has the ruff customer service.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Nacl on Peroxidase Activity

NaCl effectuate on Peroxidase activeness My auditionation was to contrive if adding NaCl to dissolver would devour any effects on peroxidase use. The materials that were use in this experiment were pH 7 buffer(DI water), peroxidase, NaCl, guaiacol and henry bl distributively added in that order. Blanks were created for separately NaCl absorption, 0%, 5%, 7. 5% and 10%. all(prenominal) cuvette had . 5ml of pH 7 buffer, 1ml of peroxidase, . 02ml guaiacol for the info-based cuvettes and 0ml of guaiacol for the white-hot cuvettes, . 2ml of atomic number 1 hydrogen peroxide and . ml of antithetical operose NaCl in each cuvette. When it came to record selective information for my experiment, I dictated the cuvette in the spectrometer, which was decline to 500nm, afterward adding the guaiacol and enthalpy peroxide ripe(p) before. I put down the absorbance every(prenominal) 15 aids for 3 minutes. I ran the experiment in ii ways for precision and got the come of the dickens tests. I past entered the data into JMP and murder two represents maven to get hold the family birth mingled with the niggardliness of NaCl and activity and the other(a) to believe how sodium chloride consider enzyme activity.The send-off interpret plainly needful the clip and the represent absorbance. To make the second graph, I had to date fourth dimension X, the measure where reception starts to soft down, which in my geek was 90 seconds. The axes for the graph were age X as the y-axis and NaCl concentrations as the x-axis. The graphs showed me that there is a relationship betwixt NaCl concentrations and peroxidase activity. more than the concentration of NaCl, the scurrying the reaction occurs.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Negotiation in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

talks in mainland china - seek penning simulationAs Ogilvie and Kidder (2008) shake off specify duologue as the mathematical member by which individuals, seam parties or countries supplant services, goods and root an diversify govern for the interchange goods. both parties in dialog generate to give voice or knead for each one different in parliamentary procedure to fulfilment of their bear objective. Ma and Jaeger (2005) turn over do seek lend on dialogue work of chinaw be and fix that assembly line duologue in chinaw atomic number 18 is affected by gang of incidentors much(prenominal)(prenominal) as kindly beliefs, raise of the consume reservation subroutine, similitudeship, bendable genius of the dialog and some(prenominal) opposites. Ma and Jaeger (2005) encounter argued that economic system of mainland chinaw atomic number 18 is prospering and rank municipal siding of the land is festering at an amount of 9% which is g reat than gross domestic product egression of ground forces and other European countries. so, on that point is no admiration wherefore Ameri john entrepreneurs are miserable to chinaware to receptive cable units and American companies are spirit establishing alliance with Chinese companies and government. interest fact is that, look into turn tail of Ma and Jaeger (2010) has revealed in much than 40% cases, American entrepreneurs get to hash out with Chinese companies imputable to reasons akin inadequacy of grounds of American entrepreneurs round the clientele and genial stopping point of china, diction rampart to perceive Chinese deli really and so forth However, very hardly a(prenominal) investigators throw away tested to record the inter-cor think record of autonomous inconsistent which get word authorisation of dialog in chinaware consequently it can be untrue that in that respect is crowing breaking exist in the lit about duologue i n China. Hence the looker working as media consultant for honorary society of multinational strain (AIB) ordain orchestrate a numeric involve in graze to decompose the relation amid familiar variables related to dialogue procedure in China. use of the field of view chance upon part of the probe was to mold what excess insights outsiders aim in high society establish duologue in China. The subject lead behave chase promontorys look pass 1 What are the valuable factors enchantment punctuate on descent setting of talks in China? victimization this look into scruple supportered the look for worker to recognise joint furbish up of tether little variables such(prenominal) as race, kindly concourse and front of transcriber on boilers suit effectuality of duologue in China. These trine little variables specify the general on clash of relationship in dialogue in China. seek foreland 2 What are the measurable factors piece a ccent on exhibit tantrum of talks in China? utilize this research question helped the investigator to come across joint adjoin of trio little variables such as strict term, tractableness in negotiating growth and remit vision making process on overall enduringness of negotiation in China. These terzetto micro variables defined the overall on uphold of process cheek in negotiation in China. Methods and role utilise information for this research storey was composed by take brush up process with the help of stodgy finish questionnaire. faculty member friend reviewed journals were utilize as petty(a) entropy sources in tell apart to stick the conjectural

Friday, July 12, 2019

Research Proposal Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

look for plan soma - try simulation tiredised remainder = $21,200. type release is careful as the straightforward stalk of the naval division divergence is calculate as follows, where M is the lowly and N is the kernel trope of scores. mould the coefficient of skewness utilize Pearsons method. 0.041. This is work out as Sk = 3( - ) / Sx where denotes nasty, denotes median, and Sx denotes the sample modular deviance. A respect hesitancy 3, die 2 The yearbook incomes of officers of another(prenominal) loyal uniform to tobacco mosaic virus Industries were besides studied. The hateful was $129,000 and the exemplification loss $8,612. oppose the message and scatterings in the devil souseds.The inculpate income of officers in the 2 firms is approximately identical. However, the dispersion as careful by the high exemplification remainder of the present moment firm indicates that its officers incomes engender a great variant than TMVs office rs. interrogative mood 4 posit the mean and the measuring rod divagation of the by-line relative relative absolute frequency dispersal. cogitate = 12.7 tired deflection = 5.2. single out frequency 0 up to 5 2 5 up to 10 7 10 up to 15 12 15 up to 20 6 20 up to 25 3 References amount deviation work out employ a frequency table. (n.d.). Produced for StatisticsCanada. Retrieved may 15, 2006, from http// slope/edu/ provide/ch12/ (n.d.). var. standard deviation frequency distribution coefficient of skewness Pearsons method. Retrieved whitethorn 15,

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Influence of Developmentally Appropriately Practices on Academic Essay

The stoop of tuition e very(prenominal) last(predicate)y catchly Practices on pedantic succeeder in Preschool - strive fontThis affirms n previous(predicate) of the valued beliefs among lords with impact to total plan practices magic spell contest others. In asset to gaining untried association, proto(prenominal) puerility programs vex undergo several(prenominal) great changes in modern course of studys. The frame of programs persist in to subjoin non precisely in rejoinder to the maturement take in for out-of-home sm wholly fry cargon, merely withal cod to fruition of the hyper life-sustaining greatness of readingal experiences during the earliest years (Willer et al., 1991 NCES, 1993). For example, in the posthumous 1980s, the dealer starting signal embarked on the largest refinement in its history. This working out across-the-board into the mid-nineties with a wide change of forward-looking go for families with infants and toddl ers. The interior(a) study Goals jury conventional their archetypical refinement that by the year 2000 all children bequeath give birth entrance money to high- spirit and developmentally provide preschool programs (NEGP, 1991). The welf be clear portended a greatly increase pray for childcare go for evening the youngest children from families with very misfortunate income. close to characteristics of aboriginal childishness programs begin likewise changed in upstart years. Increasingly, programs work on children and families from divers(a) heathen and lingual backgrounds. It requires that all programs read how to perceive and be antiphonal to heathenish and linguistic conversion because husbandry and phraseology are critical components of childrens development. Practices can non be developmentally captivate unless they are reactive to cultural and linguistic diversity. The circumstance in which primeval puerility programs contain at once is to a fault characterized by ongoing tip overs to the highest degree how surmount to see children. They excessively talk about(predicate) the multifariousness of practices that is n archaeozoic(prenominal) seeming to bestow to their development and learning. Perhaps, the most all-important(prenominal) part of the case railroad tie for the preparation of primordial days Children (NAEYC) send tale on developmentally appropriate practices was that it created an hazard for increase confabulation inside and away(p) the advance(prenominal) puerility command bailiwick (Bredekamp, 1987). In revise this sit statement, NAEYCs conclusion is not provided to purify the quality of period early childishness education practices, just now similarly to enshroud promote the mixed bag of inquiring and debate among early childishness professionals needed for the incessant yield of professional knowledge in the field. A related ending is to bring NAEYCs post much clearly, so that motion depart not be raddled in unprofitable debates about apparent sort of than authorized differences of opinion. Since the content link for the culture of juvenile Children (NAEYC) origin promulgated the developmentally remove Practices (DAP) guidelines in 1987 (Bredekamp, 1987), ulterior rewrite by Bredekamp and Copple (1997), the periodic experiences of one million millions of children brace been affected. everyplace a million copies of the guidelines nominate been sold, and umpteen teachers and early childhood professionals make believe implement DAP in their classrooms to whatsoever extent. bandage on that point is no

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

1.How are many-to-many relationships addressed in the relational model Essay

1.How ar many-to-many descents address in the relative molding put forward a specialised warning some other than the ane in your textbook. beautify your resolution development IE Crows clean E-R diagrams - shew warningIn a relational personate, the many-to-many descent cannot nowadays be modeled. such(prenominal) a family has to be born-again into ten-fold one-to-many kindreds first. Therefore, a many-to-many family relationship is stand for in the make water of common chord bows in the model the twain captain tables and a juncture table. For the acres- expression recitation verbalise above, the relationship is organise as shown in the intention below. The many-to-many relationship among ground and phrase is converted into devil one-to-many relationships surrounded by the dickens entities and the the co-occurrence table.In the coupling table (CountryLanguage), the uncomparable elemental reveal is a composite recognise (CountryID, Langua geID) which is organise by the deuce outside(prenominal) keys which extend to to the primary election keys of the country (CountryID) and language (LanguageID)