Friday, February 15, 2019

History of Egypt Essay -- Historical Egypt Africa Cairo Essays Papers

History of EgyptThe well-situated history of Egypt is tied very closely with the Nile Rivers fertile banks and human race as a source of water. Flowing s verbotenh to north, this massive river has had a tremendous impact on agriculture, transportation, religion, migration of populations, and culture as a whole. The intend Nile Valley as well as the surrounding deserts provided acknowledgment and isolation from the arising cultures of the time. Over many centuries, the rainfall has affected the levels of flooding on the Nile and therefore the way in which the Egyptians had to live. This region is luxuriant with cultural and historic records of the current relationship of culture and society with the environment and the Nile. Cairo is the keen of Egypt and is the biggest city not only in Egypt but the Middle easterly as well. With a current population of oer 15 cardinal inhabitants, the city has evolved for over four thousand years with a strain of social and cultural influen ces. Northern Africa has been occupied by Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Turks and monuments that free stand today are evidence of these influences. Cairo has been known by many names, including Memphis, Heliopolis, Babylon, and, Al-Qahira. The city was a center of religious development for Christianity, Judaism, and Islam passim its thirty or more dynasties.Over 8,000 years ago, Northern Africa was rich with diverse wildlife including elephants, buffalo, hippopotami, and giraffe (Lamb). However by 5,000 BC, some of these species began to die out or migrate from this region, perhaps due to the increased migration of humans and remittal near the Nile. The Nile was the best and only source of fresh water in the area and its annual flooding and receding le... ...In 1882, the British seized control of Egypt until it could fix its debts. Egypt gained its independence in 1952 and has continued to grow, with Cairo being the centerpiece of ongoing development (www.lonelyp the 1960s and 1970s, the West Bank of the Nile River was concreted over to call for room for urban sprawl. The relationship of the city with the Nile was becoming less joint and increasingly damaging to its natural state. Cairo expanded north into Nasr urban center in what has become an eyesore to the landscape. Cairo has even expanded up and over the Muquattam Hills, which once stood as a barrier to previous eastern growth. The quick expansion of Cairo seems as if it will pose a wicked problem to the Nile and its resources as transportation, industry, and residential construction litter the banks of the once envy and worshipped Nile.

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